Android Build failing when compiled using Fire on Mac OS X

Build is failing with below console log, please suggest:

mono /Applications/ /Users/devarshi/Desktop/ /nologo /target:Build /verbosity:normal /property:Configuration=Release “/property:ElementsXbuildNougatSDKFolder=/Applications/ SDKs” “/property:ElementsXbuildReferencePathsXMLFolder=/Applications/ Paths” /toolsversion:4.0

Build started 5/19/2015 11:11:37 PM.

Project “/Users/devarshi/Desktop/” (Build target(s)):
Target ValidateSolutionConfiguration:
Building solution configuration “Release|AnyCPU”.
Target Build:
Project “/Users/devarshi/Desktop/” (default target(s)):
Target CooperPreflight:
Target PrepareForBuild:
Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
Created directory "./bin/Release/"
Created directory "obj/Release/"
Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
Reference: android.jar
Could not locate the reference android.jar
Reference: swift.jar
Reference: com.remobjects.elements.rtl.jar
Target CooperAndroidBeforeCompile:
XML: /Users/devarshi/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/Elements/CooperPaths.xml
: error GR1: Could not locate aapt
Task “GenerateAndroidResources” execution – FAILED
Done building target “CooperAndroidBeforeCompile” in project “/Users/devarshi/Desktop/”.-- FAILED
Done building project “/Users/devarshi/Desktop/”.-- FAILED
Task “MSBuild” execution – FAILED
Done building target “Build” in project “/Users/devarshi/Desktop/”.-- FAILED
Done building project “/Users/devarshi/Desktop/”.-- FAILED


/Users/devarshi/Desktop/ (Build) ->
(Build target) ->
/Users/devarshi/Desktop/ (default targets) ->
/Applications/ Software/Oxygene/RemObjects.Oxygene.Cooper.Android.targets (CooperAndroidBeforeCompile target) ->

    : error GR1: Could not locate aapt

     0 Warning(s)
     1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:00.2910550

Sounds like you don’t have the Android SDK installed properly? Check out for details.

Thanks for the reference link :blush:

To resolve this problem I followed below steps:

  1. Launched android studio installed on my mac
  2. From ‘File’ menu selected ‘Project Structure…’
  3. Copied the path which it was showing in SDK location
  4. Launched ‘Fire’
  5. Selected ‘Preferences’ from ‘Fire’ menu
  6. Pasted the copied path in ‘Android Folder’ text field

It worked :heart_eyes:

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