Basic update question

I have a WPF app written in Oxygene (latest beta) and using DA 8.x.

I have a List of a simple type that implements the INotifyPropertyChagned interface. I am retrieving a list of records via DA LINQ, from that making my List, and I am displaying this list in a datagrid, and allowing the user to change one field via a combobox column in the grid.

When the user selects a value, the property changed event is triggered, and this spawns a new .NET Task to launch which retrieves the original record via DA LINQ, updates the proper field, calls UpdateRow and Applychanges, and the task is done.

Here is my issue. Roughly, about 1 out of every 4 changes doesn’t get applied to the remote data table. I am not seeing any errors in the Deltachange returned from UpdateRow.

What is the proper method to detect failures when doing an update like this?


DA should raise an exception if the server reports that it wasn’t able to update the datatable row.
Could you check which exactly statement is executed by the database server (either via SQL Profiler for MS SQLServer or using the BeforeProcessChange event of the DataService)?

Also rereading a data row for each update is an overkill. Adapter’s method UpdateRow can accept an updated entry and compose a DeltaChange out of it. Also it is possibly to compose a DeltaChange instance via code.
