Cannot Publish Silver WPF app

I have written a sample WPF using Silver and I cannot publish it as the Publish menu item doesn’t show up when I right click on the solution

The publish option doesn’t work for any of Elements projects. It only works for MS C#, is something wrong with my VS installation? Should I try and re-install Elements in VS?

It doesn’t look like we currently support publishing WPF apps. If it’s a setup you need as a work around I suggest looking into Wix or Innosetup. I’ll log an issue for researching this feature.

Thanks, logged as bugs://72106

bugs://72106 got closed with status notfixable.

It looks like this is hardcoded to C# only.

I had a look at VB.NET WPF app and it is possible to publish it, so it is not only for C#.

Right; what I meant was that it was tied to their language services. As far as I could see we couldn’t call it.