Delphi crash loading drivers in TDADriverManager

my XE5 crash immediately when at design time I try to load drivers in the TDADriverManager of any Server project, DA samples also…
The default driver Dir of the component is %SYSTEM%
but there are no drivers to load there, so I specify my “\RemObj\Data Abstract (Common)\Bin” folder.

I am quite sure that in the past I did this operation without errors, but now no way,
even with newly created project via wizard…

why do you need to load drivers into TDADriverManager at design time?

I got an error of driver not found at run time on my client and thought were necessary to make it ready at design time…
Thought the LoadDriver option on the componet were available for this purpose…

pls specify which exactly driver causes problems.

can tell you details later; now I am running delphi installation “repair” which takes time…
It’s not possible that two weeks ago it worked, giving me the list of drivers loaded, and now it crash…

have you installed a new version of DA in past 2 weeks?

no, just thinking about 8.3 but still not done.
The problem persist also after delphi repair :worried:
Anyway the error that lead me to try adding drivers to TDADriverManager was
"Exception on server: Unknown Driver ORACLE.NET"
which I think due to the second Het mapping

lHet.ObjectMappings.Add('WARDS=connPHX_FireDAC');       // Firedac - FB - localhost
lHet.ObjectMappings.Add('ANAG_DEVICE=connORA_NET');     // ORACLE.NET - remote

and I do not understand why, because the same connection works as expected in
the Schema Modeler…

You can’t use .NET (unmanaged) drivers in Delphi (managed) application.

Ah, you mean the SchModeler is a .NET application (?)
So which drivers do you adivise for Firebird and Oracle db in my DA server ?

yes, it is

You can use FireDAC.
other possible options:

  • FireBird: DBX, IBDAC, IBO, FIB, UniDAC, ZEOS

note: some of them require correspondent commercial 3rd party libraries

I can reproduce this at loading AnyDAC/FireDAC driver when this driver is already loaded as IDE package.

Thanks, logged as bugs://72093

bugs://72093 got closed with status fixed.

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