DeveloperToolchains not found (OSX, crossbox)

I installed the latest Elements on Windows in a Parallels machine, Crossbox on the Mac part. I also updated the cross box.

When I try any of the OSX samples I get this message

Error 1 (Link) ld: file not found: /Applications/
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Oxygene\RemObjects.Oxygene.Nougat.targets 518 5 Mandelbrot

Obviously it is trying to load Contents/DeveloperToolchains instead of Contents/Developer/Toolchains.

Where can I fix this path?


PS.: Fire on OSX shows the same error when I try to compile an app which worked yesterday. I installed crossbox today.

What version is this with? IRC this was broken for one of the beta builds, a while ago. Can you try updating to the latest?


What I downloaded and installed was the latest I could find:
RemObjects Elements with Visual Studio 2013 - [Branch: beta]
— Fri, Sep 18, 2015

I now downloaded and installed the official July Elements release and it works.
I installed the July File release and it also works.

… 25.9.2015 - the new FIRE beta which just was posted seems to be ok.

Sorry, but with the up-to-date VS2013 based Oxygene I also get this problem.

Error 1 (Link) ld: file not found: /Applications/

The official July release works fine - only that it downloads the nougat symbols at each start. Further more I wonder if it should notice the change of the XIB in XCode. I do a cmd+S in XCode and still have to do a BuildAll in VS2013 to get the new GUI at runtime.

I also wonder if (where) I can select in VS2013 a “sync with XCode on save” as I can do within fire?

Beta from 2.10.2015 - the typo is still included.
Anybody can please log this as bug?

Error 56 (Link) ld: file not found: /Applications/

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\RemObjects Software\Oxygene\RemObjects.Oxygene.Nougat.targets	518	5	DiscDetect

Thanks, logged as bugs://73264

bugs://73264 got closed with status fixed.