EComponentError with message '''l_RPL$LOCAL''

I am new with remobjects and just started testing.
In a sample that i tried i et this error message:

Exception class EComponentError with message ‘’‘l_RPL$LOCAL’’ is not a valid component name’.
This happens when i inert or update a dataset.

When i start the Applicationi also get this:

Exception class SessionNotFoundException with message ‘An exception was raised on the server: Session could not be found.’
This also happens when i start the SimpleDataOperations demo.

Any help on this ?
Thanks Manfred

Exception class EComponentError with message ‘’‘l_RPL$LOCAL’’ is not a valid component name’.
This happens when i inert or update a dataset.
Could solve this with
DataStreamer.SendReducedDelta= true

our samples don’t use l_RPL$LOCAL name. what is it? name of table/field?

Whenever the server rejects a request because authentication is needed, a SessionNotFoundException exception will be sent back to the client.
Our DA samples handle it internally via OnLoginNeeded event so you can see this exception only in debug mode.

pls read Login and Authentication for more details.

Hi EvgenyK
Thank you for your replay.
The Error message was in my Application that i try to adapt to Data Abstract.
( Sorry if this was misleading )
I could sole this like i wrote above :wink:

Could solve this with
DataStreamer.SendReducedDelta= true
