Error with oData / JQuery


I am trying Data Abstract

I am trying to access the odata api from Kendo Data source with jsonp callback.

The datasource is defined as :

    dataSource: new{
      type : 'odata',
      transport : {
        read : {
          url : 'http://localhost:8099/odata/TCCLIENTS',
          dataType = 'json'
    selectable: "row",
    columns: [
      {field: "CLIENT", title: "Client"},
      {field: "ID_CLIENT", title: "Id"}

I see that the query it sends to the odata server is


Though, the server raises an error :

Exception 'first chance' à $75C95B68. Classe d'exception EDAODataException avec un message 'Unknown odata query parameter: $callback'. Processus VCLApplication4Server.exe (6544)

The query is standard built with jquery.$ajax() method. It’s a cors query so there is a jsonp callback included in the request. Is jsonp request supported with DataAbstract ?

DataAbstract supports ODATA v1 only so $callback parameter isn’t supported