Fire failing to run: "Could not start to debug"

When I try to run my Android application I get the following error:
Could not start to debug.
Package not found at /Users/ME/Fire Projects/org.My-Company.My-App/bin/Debug/org.My-Company.My-App.apk

I have checked and the APK file does indeed exist at that location. What could be causing this problem?

Curious. My gut feelings could dashes be invalid for apk names?

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I remember getting errors when trying to use dashes in Eclipse. That could very well be the problem. I’ll try removing them. Thanks!

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Removed the dashes and everything works properly now! Thanks so much for the tip!

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Thanks, logged as bugs://72740

For Fire to catch that and not allow dashes in the name to start with.

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bugs://72740 got closed with status fixed.