How do I make a new array?

I almost never use arrays so every time I need to work with them it seems to be a struggle. I’m trying to convert some C# code that is like this:

        return new IRawElementProviderSimple[] { };

That is one line in a method that is in a file that I created using the paste as C#. But the generated code gets a compiler error. Here is the generated code:

   exit new IRawElementProviderSimple[];

But it generates this compiler error:

C:\Users\mtiede\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\SW\GuardianEditObservation\GuardianAutoCompleteBox\AutoCompleteBox\GuardianAutoCompleteBoxAutomationPeer.pas(306,40): error PE50: Invalid number of parameters, >= 1 expected

What is the error message trying to tell me and what syntax should I use instead?

This should help:

Nope. I managed to find that doc earlier and just don’t understand what the compiler is wanting.

I’m guessing it is just trying to return a dynamically modifiable array.

… time passes …

I just tried replacing the generated code with this:

 var x : array of IRawElementProviderSimple;
exit x;

Do you think that is equivalent? The compiler didn’t complain at least, but I’m not sure if it is doing the same thing as the C#.