How to deal with SQL Server column with a default value

I have a situation and not quite sure how I deal with it.

Basically I have an SQL Server table to which I need to add a column with a default value. Thus when a new row is added to this table, if a value for this column is not supplied then the database will use the default constraint to generate one. The column will not accept NULL values, either one must be supplied or the default will be used.

How do I cater for this within my schema? If I add this column to the schema then, when a new row is created by the DA framework, it will try to supply a value for this column. This is fine if I wish to specify a value but, if I don’t and want the database to use the default constraint, I can’t see how I can do this. Presumably if I leave the value of this column as NULL before applying the updates, then the SQL generated by DA will try to explicitly set the value of this column to NULL won’t it? This will fail as the SQL Server won’t allow it - in order for the default constraint to be used the column must be completely omitted from the INSERT statement.

How do I deal with this? Do I need to use a custom INSERT statement to omit this column somehow? If so then could you provide some pointers as I’ve not done that previously.

Many thanks.

You can use Reduced Delta feature. In this case, SQL on server side will be generated for each change separately and will contain only changed and/or not null fields.

Aha thanks, will look into that.