Hydra_RO package not compiling without modification

The first error I get is TROComponent is undeclared in uHYLocalService. Looking in uROClient I see it surrounded with a define (Backward_compatibility and DELPHI10UP). I suspect it’s my environment, but not sure what to do. I can add the references and get it compiled, but not sure what other problems I may have.

RO/DA 89.1153
HY 75.1103

MacBook Pro
Yosemite 10.10
Parallels 10.0
Windows 8.1
Delphi XE7

weird, uROComponent is already used in uses section of uHYLocalService.
Can you reinstall RemObjects Hydra - , pls?

I have uninstalled and reinstalled both RO and HY with same results. I thought at first that having Legacy Components unchecked for the RO install may have been the issue, but I reinstalled with that checked with same results.

Just reread your post, uROComponent is not in the uses section of uHYLocalSerivice, the reference to TROComponent is in uROClient (uROComponent.TROComponent)

pls confirm that you are using RemObjects Hydra - and not RemObjects Hydra -

in, I see:

unit uHYLocalService;

{$I Hydra.inc}


  {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}Windows,Messages,{$ENDIF}
  SysUtils, Classes, uROClient, uROClientIntf, uRODL, uROComponent;

Yes, that was it. When I downloaded the latest version of DA/RO, 1103 was not available. Thanks for you help!