Intellisense not working prepoerly

I don’t know why, but the following code upsets Intellisense. See inline notes.

  SSet = public flags (

  var cs1: CSet := CSet.sOne;
  var cs2: CSet := CSet.sOne or CSet.sFour;
// IntelliSense stops working from here on
  var ix1: CSet := cs1 and cs2;

// ix1 is not in the list
  case ix1 of
// utterly no functionality here
    CSet.sOne: Console.Beep();
// no functinality, but compiles and runs as expected
    CSet.sTwo..CSet.sFour: MessageBox.Show('hi');

Thanks, logged as bugs://70540: Intellisense not working prepoerly

As a temporary workaround, it should work if you put begin/end around the statement.

I’m not clear where you mean. I added a begin in a case statement, but Intellisense was still unresponsive.

I found the issue you referred to. I misunderstood what it was earlier when I suggested the begin/end, but it’s fixed for the upcoming release

bugs://70540 got closed as fixed for release Constitution Class

Wow, fixed already! I must say your prompt and helpful replies are fantastic!