iOS app not showing my custom icon [solved!]

I suspect I have done something clumsy and/or stupid, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is I have done or how to fix it.

I am at the point where I want to polish my app for publishing to the store, and as part of that created a whole set of beauooootiful icons. With nothing to suggest otherwise, I didn’t think that filenames were important and without thinking had saved all my files with icon-nnn.png names. So I removed the default App-nnn.png icons from my project Resources / App Icons, and re-added my own icon files.

I also changed the filenames in the info.plist file to match.

My reward: My app now installs with a blank icon (the default iOS one with all the drawing guidelines that looks like an unfinished version of Davinci’s Vitruvian man).

I have since renamed all my icon files back to App-nnn.png and changed all the references in the info.plist file back as well.

As far as I can determine, my project should now be back to where it started in terms of filenames and references to those files, but with my nice icons in place of those original files. But still nothing.

I have reset the simulator (numerous times), I have cleaned my solution (numerous times) at various points along the way.

This is all a bit “Black Magic” and “Voodoo” and very frustrating.

Clearly I have screwed up something somewhere. But where ? And how on Earth do I fix it ?

That SHOULD be enough, yes. Make sure the case matches, the iOS file system is case sensitive.

All sounds fine. can you send me the app so i can have a look? it must be something silly.

I found it. And yes, it was something silly. :slight_smile:

I had not set the Build Action to “AppResource” on my added icon resources. I didn’t spot this before because when I created a new project to compare the icon property settings with those in my project, I had only looked at the first icon in the list - App-1024 icon - which is not set to AppResource.

Sorry for the false alarm.

Was this in fire or vs? Fire, at least, should set appresource by default when you add .pngs

Fwiw, the 1024 is set to none coz it’s not needed for the app, just for ITunes Connect.

VS 2013 (Pro)

I was aware of the different treatment of the 1024 icon, but had thought this was taken care of by the fact that it wasn’t mentioned in the info.plist, rather than driven by different settings in the project folder.

I am quietly hoping that there is work going on to improve the way resources are managed (in all project types, not just Cocoa) in VS. I don’t know how much is down to the way VS itself works, but things in this area (project folders and managing files in them) seem a bit unstable/unreliable.

I have a question to the same topic: How can I customize the launch image? I replaced the 2 Default.png, but nothing changed at startup.

Just changing the Default*.png files should do the trick. Try doing a clean+rebuild! and deleting the old app off the simulator/phone jic (even though that should not be necessary).

Note there are 3 Default.png ones used for iPhone (regular, 2x, and 4") and four for iPad (portrait and landscape, 1x and 2x).

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That was it! Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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