Mapped base types errors (

It is not yet possible to use a mapped base type that is defined in an external library.
There are several errors:

  • When assigning values.
  • In passing parameters to functions.
  • The return of results in anonymous methods.
  • In the second parameter of the function inc and dec.

I attached project and screenshot that shown all these types of errors.
Bug201.rar (229.1 KB)

Best regards,
Jose A.

Thanks, logged as bugs://73768

Those two are because your operators are assembly (the default):

  DoubleEx = public record mapped to System.Double
    operator Implicit(AValue: System.Int32): DoubleEx;
    operator Implicit(AValue: System.Single): DoubleEx;

should be:

  DoubleEx = public record mapped to System.Double
    operator Implicit(AValue: System.Int32): DoubleEx;
    operator Implicit(AValue: System.Single): DoubleEx;

that was already logged as 73741: Result type from lambda’s or anonymous method does not match.

that leaves the inc/dec issue.

bugs://73768 got closed with status fixed.

Yes. You are quite right, an oversight on our part. Sometimes we obfuscate. :sob:
I appointed you the problem of anonymous method only to unify related problems. :wink:
Thanks for your help Carlo.