New Android SDK is not recognized properly

Hi RemObjects team,

I have downloaded a new version of Android SDK and I am getting the following error when I start Visual Studio with Hydrogene no matter what I do:

I have tried downloading Eclipse with ADT, Android Studio with SDK, just the SDK by itself nothing works with VS2013. SDK by itself is working fine within Eclipse and Android Studio.

Older versions of SDK work fine too.

Thank you

I think the new Android SDK moved some files around so the RO build tools/pre-flight check don’t find them. I think this was fixed in the latest Elements beta version (I haven’t upgraded my Android SDK yet to check but it was mentioned in the Change Log).

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I apologize for the inconvenience.

The new Android Beta SDK broke these paths; the issue is fixed in the latest/current Beta build, and we’ll have a new release with (just) this fix today or tomorrow.

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I will keep on using the older version of the android tools until the issue is fixed.
Thank you!

The new build is out now, btw.

Thank you. I have downloaded the latest version and my Cyanogenmod debugging issue is back :frowning: . Should I report it as a bug? Also in version that I had before the debugger would not always attach, however I was able to debug after a few attempts.

That issue was fixed in the beta for the next major release. This updated includes only the Android SDK fix, ofer the previous release, not all the other changes in the current beta cycle.

I have the same issue. Where can i download the beta build of remobjects oxygene ?
(Currently i have installed RemObjects Oxygene -

Thank you in advance

Hm, i believe is supposed to haver that fix. Unless this is a yet newer Android SDK that broke things yet again that we’re not aware of yet.

This is assuming you are referring to the SDK issue, not the cyanomod one. For the fix for the cyanomod issue, you need the latest beta, from

Thank you for your reply.

With this release i get the oxygene pre-flight-check error telling not finding zipalign.exe.

I have installed the following:

Android SDK Tools 23.0.2
Android Platform Tools 20
Android Build Tools 20

Is remobjects oxygene aware of these versions ?

Thank you in advance.

Btw: i can’t find any beta release in

how can i add android appcompat library in ide

Do you have an active Elements subscription, and are you sure you are logged in with the right account?
