Symbolfiles uses oxygene language ID

I’ve just noticed that Remobjects C# sources appear als Oxygene sources for a Debugger.

To my opinion this should be avoided to no confuse the Debugger (about the Parser to apply etc.).
It should also not be the same as for the MS-C# langugage (SymLanguageType.CSharp)

I would suggest to use a new GUID

Best regards Andreas

Thanks, logged as bugs://67506: Symbolfiles uses oxygene language ID

Pretty much as designed as it would load a completely different debug engine if the guid changed.

But what if debugging/attaching a process (without project infos) ? How does the debugger know which parser to apply ? Or is it bound to the file extension (which seems a wrong approach to me).
And isn’t it better to apply a different debug engine (maybe just for showing “this” instead of “self” and similar things ?

File extension yes. Applying a different debug engine won’t work since these can be mixed in the same project.

Isn’t it possible to just set the lang ID in pdb for these .cs files different and map this to the default debug engine ?
BTW: What happens if debugging language-mixed programs (assembly-based), then the debugger has to load/use different debug engines anyway ? Or do you apply you debug engine also to other assemblies (maybe written in VB) ?

Visual studio would load two instances of the same (fairly large) classes for evaluating a project that has both Oxy and Hydro code while the compiler itself uses the file extension to distingiush between the two. Why does this issue concern you?

Because of my own Debugger ;-).
It’s OK, i can also make my decision on file extension, but using a different ID would be clearer.