AES Envelope causes error


Delphi 10.1 Berlin Remobjects SDK

I just updated to Remobjects and I get the following error:

Looks like this issue: Envelope AES

I tested this with a new ISAPI webservice. The only thing I added was the AES envelope

Looks like the error is on the server side. If I test the client with the same webservice compiled with and Delphi 10 Seatle it works fine.

this is known issue and was already fixed in last betas.

pls update uROWebBrokerServer.pas as

function TROWebBrokerServer.ReadRequestStream(aRequest : TWebRequest): TStream;
    aRequest.ReadTotalContent;  // added
    SetString(s, PAnsiChar(@aRequest.RawContent[0]), Length(aRequest.RawContent));

Thanks, it works