Apologies - a bit off topic - Ole data updates

I still find using OleDB stuff much more difficult than the ADOQuery in Delphi. Ignoring whether the way I’m trying to do it is the best, I’m stuck.

I have a valid OleDB Connection opened successfully into an Access mdb.
I want to update (edit) a field value in the table tblUsers in one row. The table in Access actually has just one row with UserID = Admin My code:

var TheSQL: String;
var OleDbAdapt2 := new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter;
OleDbAdapt2.UpdateCommand := clsVariables.TheDBOleDbConn.CreateCommand; // clsVariables.TheDBOleDbConn is the valid open connection
TheSQL := ‘update tblUsers set UserCurrentStatus = ’ + clsCommon.DoubleQuoteString(‘In’); // + ’ where UserID = “Admin”’; this works, but not with the where clause included in TheSQL
OleDbAdapt2.UpdateCommand.CommandText := TheSQL;

The OleDbAdapt2.UpdateCommand.ExecuteNonQuery fails if the where clause is in TheSQL string, but works ok if the where clause is not.


No value given for one or more required parameters.

Any thoughts, comments, raucous laughter welcomed

Update - it works with the where clause if the field is the primary key!

Is this expected?

Bob Russell

Can you post the working and non working SQL (not code)?

Working SQL for a successful table row update (TheGuid is the primary key field in the Access table tblUsers :

‘update tblUsers set UserCurrentStatus = “In” where TheGuid = “{DBDC78F8-1D95-41D2-A9CE-92245DDFFA97}”’

Non Working SQL (TheID is not the primary key, but is defined as a non duplicate index field in the Access table)

'update tblUsers set UserCurrentStatus = “In” where TheID = “Admin”

Thanks for your help.’

What is the type of the “TheID” field?

TheID is a shorttext field in Access. TheGuid is also a shorttext field in Access.

Regards Bob Russell

I think here is your answer (I think the second one):

Thanks for this - useful. I’ve just tested and to my surprise, using [TheID] didn’t work. So I re-checked my Access table, and found that the field is actually named ID, not TheID. Aaargh! Having spent hours on this it looks as if I totally confused myself. So I tried using [ID] and that was OK, I then tried just using ID as the field name and it still worked - so ID is not confused with a Keyword.

Anyway, I appreciate your efforts on my behalf and have learnt something about the quirks of Access!

Regards Bob Russell

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