Array of Utf8String out, Default format in (.NET)


I’m having some trouble with the following:

I have a ServiceMethod with some parameters, f ex. public void Test(string param1, string[] param2)
When I import the service in my client-application, it generates the following code, which seems fine to me
@__LocalMessage.WriteUtf8String(“param1”, param1);
@__LocalMessage.Write(“param2”, param2, typeof(string[]), RemObjects.SDK.StreamingFormat.Utf8String);

Now when I call the method with strings that contain special characters (ö, é, …), the serialization of both parameters go through the WriteUt8String method. However upon deserialization, the value of param1 gets deserialized using the Utf8 format, but the strings for param2 get deserialized with the Default format, and thus they are deserialized using the AnsiString method, resulting in weird characters

Am I missing something here? Is this a bug? Do I have to do something extra in order for this to work for arrays?

Thanks in advance


Thanks, logged as bugs://78461

bugs://78461 got closed with status fixed.


Thank you for the report. This issue will be fixed in the next Beta.
As a workaround please explicitly set the streaming format for sting array parameters and/or properties.

Sorry for the inconvenience

Ok, will do, thanks!