
Typical url is http://host:port/path .
You can change port (8099 by default) and/or path (bin by default).
also is possible to work w/o hardcoded path.
in this case, you need to implement OnCustomResponseEvent.

see more at Using OnCustomResponseEvent in a ROSDK Server.

in this event you can check incoming stream and depending on some conditional, allow/disallow to process it.

for example, you can have conditional: envelope marker should be the same as path.
you read from stream envelope marker and compare with path.

from Message Envelopes: Wire Specification, you know:

Each envelope will add the following preamble to messages as they are enveloped:

  • 5 ASCII characters ROENV as a marker.
  • The envelope marker, as 1-byte binary length, followed by the UTF-8-encoded envelope name (maximum of 255 characters). The length bytes indicates the number of bytes, not UTF-8 characters.

so you can easily to implement this checking.