Automatically generate JSON Schema for an array of struct


I’m using ROSDK to communicate between servers and clients that I totally control, and it’s been working just fine with a TROBinMessage format.
Now, I have been asked to “open” some parts of the application to the external world and for that I’m using TROJSONMessage because the JSON format is somewhat standard in this area.

One thing that I’m missing, though, is the JSON schema for the data that is read and written by TROJSONMessage.

I understand that it totally depends on what I’m transferring but in my case, I’m controlling it just fine as it’s always going to be an array of struct items, generated by such code:

    var JSONMessage := TROJSONMessage.Create(nil);
      var ROMessage := JSONMessage as IROMessage;

      ROMessage.Initialize(nil, 'dummy', 'dummy', mtResponse);
      ROMessage.Write('variables', System.TypeInfo(TVariablesArray), ROVariables, []);

This gives me this nice JSON:


Kind is an enum, while Min and Max are variants.

Is there a way to generate a JSON Schema for the TVariablesArray that is defined in the RODL file?


JSON Schema isn’t supported by Remoting SDK currently.
I think, you can use online generators for generation of JSON Schema from JSON because it is usually one-time operation.

Thanks, that’s what I thought, no worries with that