Azure and AWS support


I would like support for aws and azure functions. I think it would consist of the following

  • Templates
  • If I add an unknown file type to fire it should treat it a text and let me edit it.
  • I would really like the xml element DestinationFolder in the project file exposed. For azure I spend a lot of time hand crafting the project file.
  • Deployment (For both I have deployed using a zip file so that would be sufficient and I can upload it myself)
  • Being able to debug locally. I haven’t tried with aws but I know its possible. For azure I think the runtime is 32 bit so I believe it might be an issue on my mac)

Both are integrated with the dotnet command line which would be a problem. Usually what I do is generate a c# project and convert it to Oxygene.

I think azure is the trickier of the 2 because it uses msbuild and attributes to generate code. When building you end up with a different file structure.

I analyzed the file structure and replicated it myself making heavy use of DestinationFolder. There are 2 versions writing azure functions, attached is the template I have for isolated functions. (1.2 MB)

If you have a look, the .azure functions folder is something I created myself and the same with the functions.metadata file. I think both are created magically during build as part of running dotnet.


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I’m out of office this morning, but will reply in detail later. thanx for the details!