Calling functions exported by Dlls from Silver


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bugs://79734 got closed with status fixed.

So DllImport AND DllExport now export exactly the same. DllExport(‘test’) will export was test (or test@0 for 0 parameters in stdcall mode); dll import will do the same with (‘test’)

also means:

@DllImportAttribute("Dll1.dll", EntryPoint ="?DoSomeThingUseful@Test@@SAPEB_WPEAPEB_W@Z")
@DllImportAttribute("Dll1.dll", EntryPoint ="?DoSomeThingUseful@Test@@SAPB_WPAPB_W@Z")

will work without the \x01;

I don’t do vc++ name mangling though. That’s tricky to do 100% right.