Compiler bug - method parameter list order

Sorry that I can’t include a code example:

If I call a method that returns a LongInt (probably not relevant) and has list of parameters including a record type, the method isn’t actually called if the record type is the last parameter, but is called if I move the record type parameter to earlier in the list. I can repeat this with certainty. The only change is the order of the parameters, and I assume (but did not confirm) that the record type parameter is the problem. The code compiles, but the method is never actually called.

I’m afraid I’m going to need some kind of repro for this.

method xxx(
v1: Byte;
v3: MyRecord;
v7: Byte;
v8: MySet;
v9: Boolean;
v10: Integer): LongInt;

method xxx(
v1: Byte;
v7: Byte;
v8: MySet;
v9: Boolean;
v10: Integer;
v3: MyRecord): LongInt;

The first ordering works. The second compiles, but the method is never called. My guess was that the record type at the end was the cause of the problem. Is that possible? I don’t need a fix, just thought you’d like to be informed.

I’d really like to fix this. I’ll try this tomorrow but I have code like it and it sounds unlikely it reproduces as is.

What plaform is this?

Any chance of a more complete case?