Copy local on implicit references?

oh I didnt know that. Im just downloading the latest, I’ll retry when its finished.

1 Like

I created a .net console app and added System.Data.SqlClient and when I build I get

E:                   Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: aPath

/Applications/ /Applications/ "--setting:Elements:ToffeeSDKFolder=/Applications/ SDKs" "--setting:Elements:IslandSDKFolder=/Applications/ SDKs" "--setting:Elements:GothamXmlFolder=/Applications/ XMLs" "--setting:Elements:ReferencePathsXMLFolder=/Applications/ Paths with Data Abstract Trial" --setting:Elements:IslandLddExePath=/Applications/ --setting:Elements:ToffeeHelperExePath=/Applications/ /Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/develop/Echoes/Core/DataConsoleApplication/DataConsoleApplication.sln --logger:fire --configuration:Debug --debug --statistics --verbosity:diagnostic --xml:/var/folders/42/j8j5j6pd0s51c9_zq3hv_9wr0000gn/T/ --build
RemObjects EBuild. An open source build engine for Elements and beyond.
Copyright RemObjects Software 2016-2019. All Rights Reserved. Created by marc hoffman.
Version (develop) built on talax, 20190111-141421. Commit 1158aba.

   -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.BuildSolution started.
      -> Project DataConsoleApplication started.
         -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsBuildProject started for DataConsoleApplication.
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsApplyLegacySettings started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
               Mapping DefineConstants=DEBUG;TRACE; to ConditionalDefines
               Mapping AssemblyName=DataConsoleApplication to BinaryName
               Mapping CpuType=anycpu to Architecture
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsApplyLegacySettings finished for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0133s (0.0143s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsSanityCheck started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsSanityCheck finished for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0002s (0.0005s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreparePlatforms started for DataConsoleApplication.
               Preparing target 'Echoes' (platform 'Echoes').
D:             Target-specific Settings, before prepare
D:               - <Architecture = anycpu [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <BinaryName = DataConsoleApplication [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <ConditionalDefines = DEBUG;TRACE; [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <Mode = Echoes [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <OutputType = Executable [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <SubMode = .NET [Target: Echoes]>
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreflightEchoes started for DataConsoleApplication.
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreflightEchoes finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0063s (0.0066s).
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPrepareEchoesPlatform started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
                  Adding implicit package reference to 'Microsoft.NETCore.App:[2.2.0]'.
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPrepareEchoesPlatform finished for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0188s (0.0266s).
D:             Target-specific Settings, after prepare
D:               - <Architecture = anycpu [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <BinaryName = DataConsoleApplication [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <ConditionalDefines = DEBUG;TRACE; [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <IDE:TargetInfo = .NETCoreApp2.2 (compatible with netstandard2.0) [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <Mode = Echoes [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <NETStandardVersion = 2.0 [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <NuGetCacheFolder = /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Packages/NuGet [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <NuGetPlatformName = netcoreapp [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <NuGetPlatformVersion = 2.2 [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <OutputType = Executable [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <SubMode = .NETCore [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <TargetFrameworkName = .NETCoreApp [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <TargetFrameworkNameLong = .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2 [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <TargetFrameworkVersion = 2.2 [Target: Echoes]>
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreparePlatforms finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0372s (0.0382s).
            -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreparePlatforms skipped for DataConsoleApplication, already ran.
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCheckForTargetlessReferences started for DataConsoleApplication.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCheckForTargetlessReferences finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0022s (0.0026s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveReferences started for DataConsoleApplication.
               -> Target Echoes started.
D:                Using cached data for ResolveReferences.
               <- Target Echoes finished.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveReferences finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0484s (0.0534s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveSourceFiles started for DataConsoleApplication.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveSourceFiles finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0072s (0.0076s).
            -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveHeaderImportFiles skipped for DataConsoleApplication, condition not met.
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileEchoes started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveContent started for DataConsoleApplication.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveContent finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0006s (0.0010s).
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveResourceFiles started for DataConsoleApplication.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveResourceFiles finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0005s (0.0007s).
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesProcessResources started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
D:                   Using cached data for EchoesResources.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesProcessResources finished for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0023s (0.0049s).
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesResolveXamlFiles started for DataConsoleApplication.
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesResolveXamlFiles finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0004s (0.0011s).
                  -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesGenerateVBMyClass skipped for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, condition not met.
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileEchoes finished for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0001s (0.0092s).
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileToffee skipped for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, condition not met.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileCooper skipped for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, condition not met.
               -- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompileIsland skipped for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, condition not met.
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPreCompile finished for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0000s (0.1285s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCompile started for DataConsoleApplication.
D:             Loading compiler from '/Applications/'
D:             Using cached data for CoreCompile.
D:             CompilerOutput for Echoes
D:               - <CompilerOutput: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/DataConsoleApplication-78405DFFB301CD284ED89F50D5B22D96FD978F0F/Debug/Echoes/DataConsoleApplication.exe [Target: Echoes]>
D:               - <CompilerOutput: /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/DataConsoleApplication-78405DFFB301CD284ED89F50D5B22D96FD978F0F/Debug/Echoes/DataConsoleApplication.exe.mdb [Target: Echoes]>
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCompile finished for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0514s (0.1818s).
            -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompile started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
               -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileEchoes started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesGenerateDepsJsonFile started for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes.
E:                   Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: aPath
D:                   |   at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Url.UrlWithFilePath____isDirectory (System.String aPath, System.Boolean aIsDirectory) [0x00003] in <0327cc3e00b8470e8e78f032363758f1>:0 .
D:                   |   at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesGenerateDepsJsonFile.Execute () [0x00736] in <7deeeeb41e1e44e0866cb6b43c52d100>:0 .
D:                   |   at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildContext.RunTask________forTarget (RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTask+MetaClass aTask, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildValues aSettings, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildObjects aObjects, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTarget aTarget) [0x0030b] in <69073003d2474587a6588ec2ed226519>:0 .
                  <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesGenerateDepsJsonFile failed with exception Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: aPath for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0000s (0.0727s).
D:                |   at RemObjects.Elements.RTL.Url.UrlWithFilePath____isDirectory (System.String aPath, System.Boolean aIsDirectory) [0x00003] in <0327cc3e00b8470e8e78f032363758f1>:0 
D:                |   at RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsEchoesGenerateDepsJsonFile.Execute () [0x00736] in <7deeeeb41e1e44e0866cb6b43c52d100>:0 
D:                |   at RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildContext.RunTask________forTarget (RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTask+MetaClass aTask, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildValues aSettings, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildObjects aObjects, RemObjects.EBuild.EBuildTarget aTarget) [0x0030b] in <69073003d2474587a6588ec2ed226519>:0 
               <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompileEchoes failed for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0000s (0.0739s).
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsPostCompile failed for DataConsoleApplication, Echoes, took 0.0000s (0.0749s).
         <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsBuildProject failed for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.0000s (0.2597s).
      <- Project DataConsoleApplication failed, took 0.2604s.
      Project 'DataConsoleApplication' failed to build.
      Solution 'DataConsoleApplication' failed to build all projects.
   <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.BuildSolution failed for DataConsoleApplication, took 0.2681s (0.2706s).

     net time    gross time   task
-------------  ------------   -------------------------------
       0.000s        0.073s   ElementsEchoesGenerateDepsJsonFile 
       0.000s        0.073s   ElementsPostCompileEchoes 
       0.000s        0.074s   ElementsPostCompile 
       0.000s        0.257s   ElementsLink 
       0.000s        0.258s   ElementsDetermineFinalOutput 
       0.000s        0.258s   ElementsCopyFinalOutput 
       0.000s        0.259s   ElementsBuildProject 
       0.000s        0.128s   ElementsPreCompile 
       0.000s        0.009s   ElementsPreCompileEchoes 
       0.000s        0.000s   ElementsSanityCheck 
       0.000s        0.001s   ElementsEchoesResolveXamlFiles 
       0.000s        0.000s   ElementsResolveResourceFiles 
       0.000s        0.001s   ElementsResolveContent 
       0.002s        0.002s   ElementsCheckForTargetlessReferences 
       0.002s        0.004s   ElementsEchoesProcessResources 
       0.006s        0.006s   ElementsPreflightEchoes 
       0.007s        0.007s   ElementsResolveSourceFiles 
       0.013s        0.016s   ElementsApplyLegacySettings 
       0.018s        0.026s   ElementsPrepareEchoesPlatform 
       0.037s        0.038s   ElementsPreparePlatforms 
       0.048s        0.053s   ElementsResolveReferences 
       0.051s        0.257s   ElementsCompile 
       0.268s        0.270s   BuildSolution

Oops, reproduced, for incremental build. can you do a rebuild instead of build, that works (well, hides the bug). will fix asap.

Fixed for 20190111-214152-elements-develop, building now.

Thanks. The build issue is fixed but I get this at runtime

john-moshakiss-macbook-pro:Debug JohnMoshakis$ ls








john-moshakiss-macbook-pro:Debug JohnMoshakis$ dotnet DataConsoleApplication.exe


An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (DataConsoleApplication.deps.json) was not found:

package: ‘Microsoft.Win32.Registry’, version: ‘4.5.0’

path: ‘runtimes/unix/lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.Win32.Registry.dll’

john-moshakiss-macbook-pro:Debug JohnMoshakis$


This is what I see for references in Fire

Thanks, logged as bugs://81727

Yeah, that one we can reproduce here, as well. It’s a strange one, as it no longer does seem to be related to missing details from the .deps file, but is an actual problem with the binary (I can flip our .exe vs the one generated by VC#, and theirs works with out .deps file, and ours fails with theirs. Yet the reference looks perfectly valid, inside the .exe.

Carlo and I will need to investigate further; logged. :frowning:


Are you also working out whether you set copy local from the nuget reference ?

You mean when adding them from the IDE? I now set CopyLocal only when the name does not start with System. or Microsoft., by default.

Fixed, I believe, turns out we needed an extra file, that points to the cache.

any newer build after 20190114-150000 should have the fix.

Build 20190114-164801-elements-develop and later will also have support for publishing, set Publish=True (usually for Release config), to enable that mode, and the build will copy-local all (I hope) required files, including the /runtimes folder, same as VC# does.

1 Like

bugs://81727 got closed with status fixed.

it works without a valid connection string but when I add one and call open on the connection I get

An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (DataConsoleApplication.deps.json) was not found:
package: ‘System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe’, version: ‘4.5.2’
path: ‘lib/netcoreapp2.0/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll’

The code code looks like this

  using connection := new SqlConnection('this is valid') do
    Console.WriteLine('got here...');

The connection is a sql server database in azure

I can connect with the published version.

curious. what’s the contents of the file, and does the cache folder it points to contain the “missing” assembly?

bugs://81666 got closed with status fixed.