Could not resolve reference 'Realm' for target 'Toffee.iOS' (UIKit for Mac)

Strange. I dont get an issue with realm, its referenced from services

These are the issues I get

E: Could not resolve reference ‘Moshine.Api.Location’ for target ‘Island.Darwin.watchOS’ (Simulator-x86_64).

Is it because Im running on an intel mac ?

Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 9.20.21 AM

You would get it, if you got past the other errors :wink:

Island? I thought we’re talking about Toffee now? the Island issue I fixed yesterday, as you recall? Do you have a new build?

Sorry I didn’t realize it was fixed in a new build.

I tried that and it fixes both issues.

hmm, but this second half of the thread has been specifically ab out just that:?

Yes. It seemed like it was related but I wasn’t sure, so I also wasn’t sure if I should create a separate post for it.

Yes, but this one was exactly the very issue I fixed before!

I don’t think its totally fixed.

I have 2 projects useToffeev1 is true in one but false in the other.

If I do a rebuild all, NotV1App, the one where UseToffeev1 is false fails with

E: Could not resolve reference 'Library' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Simulator-x86_64). (1.8 MB)

Hm, after fixing the Provisioning Profile, both project build w/o errors for me… both incremental, and Clean/Rebuils (which builds all build destinations). what am I missing?

Is it because Im running on intel ?

I dont see how that could possibly make a difference. Did you try a Clean & Rebuild, jic.

Yes I have done a clean and rebuild

Can you run

ebuild --debug --debug-reference-resolving --rebuild > log.txt

in the folder with the solution, and send me the full; output?

here’s mine, if you wanna compare yourself.

log.txt (364.6 KB)

They both build successfully using that command (21.6 KB)

I can only see architecture differences.

but not in Fire? sure yu;'re using the latest compiler inside Fire? can you send me the log of a Rebuild in Fire too? if it still fails, add --debug --debug-reference-resolving in Project|Settings|Show Solution Settings (doing forget to remove it later) and Rebuild again. send me with logs, and I’ll compare tomorrow.

I was using the 2597 command line tools from Fire. I downloaded 2599 and Im just reimporting the 14.4 sdk so I’ll try again after thats finished.

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                  -> Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsResolveIslandReferencesForTarget started for NotV1App, Toffee-iOS.
D:                   Project Reference 'Library' will resolve using target 'Island.Darwin.iOS'.
                     Project Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/Elements/References/Island/iOS/arm64/Elements.fx' via target 'Island.Darwin.iOS' (but is already referenced).
                     Project Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' via target 'Island.Darwin.iOS'.
                     Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Device-arm64).
E:                   Could not resolve reference 'Library' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Simulator-x86_64).


D:                   Project Reference 'Library' will resolve using target 'Island.Darwin.iOS'.
                     Project Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Code/Elements/Bin/References/Island/iOS/arm64/Elements.fx' via target 'Island.Darwin.iOS' (but is already referenced).
                     Project Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-D92432DECFDFE00C048CE3108A8358F331DC0DEA/Release/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' via target 'Island.Darwin.iOS'.
                     Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-D92432DECFDFE00C048CE3108A8358F331DC0DEA/Release/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Device-arm64).
                     Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-D92432DECFDFE00C048CE3108A8358F331DC0DEA/Release/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Simulator-arm64).

what;'s in

/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Toffee.iOS/

just Device/arm64/Library.fx, or also Simulator/…?

               Final Output for Referencing:
                 Elements (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/Elements/References/Island/macOS/x86_64/Elements.fx), Island.Darwin.macOS
                 Elements (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/Elements/References/Island/iOS/arm64/Elements.fx), Island.Darwin.iOS
                 Elements (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/Elements/References/Island/tvOS/arm64/Elements.fx), Island.Darwin.tvOS
                 Elements (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Documents/Elements/References/Island/watchOS/arm64_32/Elements.fx), Island.Darwin.watchOS
                 libLibrary (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Toffee.iOS/Device/libLibrary.fx), Toffee.iOS
                 libLibrary (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Toffee.macOS/Device/libLibrary.fx), Toffee.macOS
                 libLibrary (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Toffee.tvOS/Device/libLibrary.fx), Toffee.tvOS
                 libLibrary (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Toffee.watchOS/Device/libLibrary.fx), Toffee.watchOS
                 Library (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Island.Darwin.macOS/Device/x86_64/Library.fx), Island.Darwin.macOS
                 Library (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx), Island.Darwin.iOS
                 Library (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Island.Darwin.tvOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx), Island.Darwin.tvOS
                 Library (/Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Island.Darwin.watchOS/Device/arm64_32/Library.fx), Island.Darwin.watchOS
            <- Task RemObjects.EBuild.Elements.ElementsCopyFinalOutput finished for Library, took 0.0147s (19.241s).

it looks like Library is not built for Sim, just for Device, even though the command line has

–setting:3B71FB09-80B2-472F-B143-D8D8C07D4A7C,Simulator=True --setting:3B71FB09-80B2-472F-B143-D8D8C07D4A7C,Device=True

The same is true for MY log, but for some reason I do have have the Toffee\Simulator folder, so it still succeeds.

I think we have two issues coming together here.

(a) its not passing the right set of build destinations to the project reference (which I thought I had fixed last week?)

(b) because of that, the Clean also doesn’t clean up my Simulator folder, hiding the bug.

Hmm, nope, thats not it. deleted Simulator, its back after I rebuild and gone after Clean.

So I can see no difference between your case where it succeeds, and my case where it doesn’t and it does build Sim and Device correctly.

We’ll have to see whats in your /Users/JohnMoshakis/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-2F260B77D81AA4BE3CB1615F592ABDB2A3F0B7DF/Debug/Toffee.iOS/ folder to say more; does it have Sim (if so, why dormant it resolve?) or not (if so, why not).

But from your log it does like it builds Sim:

               Compiling target 'Toffee.iOS', Simulator
               -> Target Toffee.iOS started compiling for Simulator.
                  Starting compile for Library Toffee.iOS Simulator

Wait, all of this is a red herring. its Library/Darwin that matters, to Toffee. And that doesnt have Simulator built (why?) so it definitely should fail to resolve (why doesn’t it here)?

I’ll have to delve into debugging this…

Actually, this isn the problem right here:

                     Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-D92432DECFDFE00C048CE3108A8358F331DC0DEA/Release/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Device-arm64).
                     Reference 'Library' was resolved to '/Users/mh/Library/Application Support/RemObjects Software/EBuild/Obj/Library-D92432DECFDFE00C048CE3108A8358F331DC0DEA/Release/Island.Darwin.iOS/Device/arm64/Library.fx' for target 'Toffee-iOS' (Simulator-arm64).

it SOMEHOW resolves the Device version for Simulator, too.

My gut feelingL this actually is because I’m on an Arm Mac and you’re not, and thus the architecture for Divide and Sim is the same, and it just goes “ah, arm64, close enough”. Investigating/fixing that part now.