Cross origin javascript client

Sorry my brain still does not know that is monday.

The point is if i use the same ip into a browser, the server application responds.
If i serve the html pages and the javasscript file from my application server, it works perfectly.
Just if i put the html pages with the javascript library into other server like IIS, does not works

can you set breakpoint at uROBaseHTTPServer.pas

procedure TROBaseHTTPServer.ProcessRequest(const aTransport: IROHTTPTransportEx;
  const aRequestStream: TStream; out aResponseStream: TROBinaryMemoryStream;
  const aResponse: IROHTTPResponse);

    DoCORSSupport(aTransport,aResponse);  // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< here

and see that Access-Control-Allow-Origin is set ?

Hello. I was migrating my project from delphi7 to Delphi XE7.
On this version the problem is gone.


cool. probably it was problem in Indy itself.