Dataabstract schema builder problem

sql server + SDac

on an existing table, recreating fields does not honor the required property and does not register autonumber primary key field

recreating the table using drag and drop of the table in the connection dialog does recreate the fields like it should


DASM should recreate all fields correctly in AutoSQL mode.
when mode is SQL - we get fields’ metadata via Direct Access Components’ (in your case SDAC) methods and it doesn’t include PK, identity, etc data

what does autosql use to retrieve that info then?
would be handy to have this in SQL mode also…


in AutoSQL mode we have only tablename so we can launch some specific [mssql server] sql like

exec sp_MShelpcolumns 'table', null, 'id', 1;

for getting metadata for this table.

in SQL mode you may use complex SQL when you can get data from stored procedures, views, other selects, joins, etc so we don’t parse custom SQL and use metadata from SDAC…
