Debugging and exceptions for closure callbacks


I was looking at the blog post on using await with closure callbacks, it doesnt seem possible to step through or catch the exception that is thrown.

This is my download method

method DownloadData;
    var url := Url.TryUrlWithString('');
    var aResponse := await Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson(new HttpRequest(url));
    if assigned(aResponse.Content) then
      await dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue());
      var fData := aResponse.Content;
    on E:NSException do


I see this in the log when running in the simulator

~> Please note: The debugger cannot capture StdOut (from print() or writeLn()) from the Simulator. NSLog() will be visible.
~> Process AwaitClosuresApp started
2019-07-03 23:15:33.377805-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45746664] SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=220, pid=99192
2019-07-03 23:15:33.378538-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45746664] SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: AwaitClosuresApp[99192]/0#-1 LF=0
2019-07-03 23:15:33.384420-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45747469] [general] CFLocaleCopyCurrent() failed to look up current locale via ‘AppleLocale’ and ‘AppleLanguages’ in user preferences; falling back to locale identifier ‘en_US’ as the default. Consider checking Console for sandbox violations from this process for reading from preferences, or enabling CoreFoundation debug logging for more information. This will only be logged once.
2019-07-03 23:15:33.428496-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45746664] SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=220, pid=99192
2019-07-03 23:15:33.428848-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45746664] SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: AwaitClosuresApp[99192]/0#-1 LF=0
2019-07-03 23:17:59.366033-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45747470] NSURLSessionEffectiveConfiguration - _socketStreamProperties is a connection property
2019-07-03 23:17:59.509950-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45747479] SecTaskLoadEntitlements failed error=22 cs_flags=220, pid=99192
2019-07-03 23:17:59.510780-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45747479] SecTaskCopyDebugDescription: AwaitClosuresApp[99192]/0#-1 LF=0
2019-07-03 23:17:59.593098-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45747479] [] nw_protocol_get_quic_image_block_invoke dlopen libquic failed
2019-07-03 23:17:59.677028-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45747479] [unspecified] container_system_group_path_for_identifier: error = (container_error_t)53
~> Ignored exception of type NSException on thread 09E8
~> Message: Null Reference Exception for expression: self.aResponse
2019-07-03 23:18:41.510288-0400 AwaitClosuresApp[99192:45746664] Null Reference Exception for expression: self.aResponse

I have a breakpoint on the first await which is hit but the next thing I see is the message in the log about the exception.

Should be able to catch the exception ? And should I be able to step into or through the code ?

This is the example. (1.4 MB)


This seems to be your NSLog, so your exception gets caught fine? What other BPs have you set that should hit — on the NSLog? I’m not sure what the expected stepping behavior would be after an ignored exception, and you seem to have stopping on NSException turned off:

Sorry I didnt realize the consequence of selecting ignore and continue, I just thought that was the current debugging session.

Ive cleared the list of ignored exceptions, it still wont hit the breakpoint on the NSLog, it just says breakpoint not resolved.

@ck, expected for await or should this work?

yes debug breakpoints should work.

Thanks, logged as bugs://82893

bugs://E23230 was closed as fixed.