Deleting a master record after updating a child record that has been unlinked from the master

Should it be possible to delete a master record that has child records attached but that have been unlinked?

This fails for us with the latest remobjects

In code we do something like

bes : IBestelling;
if Supports(FBestellingTable, IBestelling, bes) and
Supports(FBestellingTable.BestelItems, IBestelItems, bit) then

Foreach FBestellingTable.BestelItems record
bit.bit_bes_primkey := Fbes_primkeyDest; <- this unlinks FBestellingTable from FBestellingTable.BestelItems

What happens in SQL profiler is

  1. DELETE FBestellingTable record
  2. DELETE ALL FBestellingTable.BestelItems records
  3. UPDATE ALL FBestellingTable.BestelItems <- THEY HAVE JUST BEEN DELETED
    See below for logs

The delete of the child table is triggered by a business server rule
procedure TBestellingServerRules.AfterProcessChange( Sender: TDABusinessProcessor; aChange: TDADeltaChange; Processed: Boolean; var CanRemoveFromDelta: Boolean);

DA does not realize the UPDATE should come first (or delete is not necessary)
Can this behavior be altered? Has the behavior of DA/RO changed? We did not notice this issue earlier.

declare @p1 int
set @p1=39
exec sp_prepare @p1 output,N’@P1 int OUTPUT’,N’DELETE FROM Bestelling
select @p1
exec sp_execute 39,100031153

exec sp_executesql N’Delete From bestelItems where bit_bes_Primkey = @P1’,N’@P1 int’,100031153

declare @p1 int
set @p1=56
exec sp_prepare @p1 output,N’@P1 datetime OUTPUT,@P2 int OUTPUT,@P3 int OUTPUT,@P4 int OUTPUT’,N’UPDATE BestelItems SET
“bit_DateChanged”= @P1,
“bit_bes_Primkey”= @P2,
“bit_bes_primkey_Before_Merge”= @P3
select @p1
exec sp_execute 56,‘2020-03-20 12:30:24.627’,100031066,100031153,100468817
exec sp_execute 56,‘2020-03-20 12:31:05.457’,100031066,100031153,100468816
exec sp_execute 56,‘2020-03-20 12:30:52.730’,100031066,100031153,100468798


You can specify Update Rules in Schema Modeller.

Also you can play with table.DetailOptions and table.MasterOptions properties.

you may need to uncheck moCascadeDelete in mastertable.MasterOptions and dtCascadeDelete in detailtable.DetailOptions

Can you tell me how exactly do we can disable the bussiness rule TBestellingServerRules.AfterProcessChange?


You can remove relationship between master and detail tables.

by other hand, you can specify Update rules as

  • detail table: Insert, Update
  • detail table: Delete
  • master table: Insert, Update, Delete

Hello Evgeny,

FYI: I need the child table update to be executed and I wish to do this atomically with the master record delete.

  1. I do not want the business rule which deletes the child records too soon to execute.
    or alternatively
  2. I want the business rule which deletes the child records to execute after the child record updates.

Is that possible?


have you tried this solution?

Hi Evgeny,

I don’ quite see how I can apply these rules to obtain what I want.
I need the relationship between master and detail.

FYI: A solution is to use non atomic applies
So when I do
instead of just
everything gets executed in the right order, being:

  1. Update child records
  2. Delete master record
  3. Delete all child records attached to the master (but there are none anymore which gets executed without an error)

I have not tried disabling moCascadeDelete and dtCascadeDelete`.
Does this impact the call to TBestellingServerRules.AfterProcessChange? I assume not.


this one performs while (RecordCount > 0) do Delete; on client-side for detail table when master is deleted.

if this solution works for you, you can use it:
