Delphi 2007 compatible enum syntax

Is there any way to make Oxygene compatible with Delphi 2007 enum syntax?

For example:
overlap := otNone;

Rather than:
overlap := TOverlapType.otNone;

As far as I am aware, there is no way to make Delphi 2007 compatible with the later (it seems like {$SCOPEDENUMS ON} would work on Delphi 2009+)

I’m afraid that would be next to impossible, because in Elements and in the underlying platforms, enum values don’t have to be globally unique as they are in Delphi, so there can be conflicting names…

The next should be possible"
var overlap : TOverlapType;
overlap := otNone;

Because the type of the variable is known, the compiler should be able to infer the type of otNone.

That’s not how this works, though. @ck?

Problem is that that simple case might work, but then there’s more complex cases like type inference and method calls where such a thing woudln’t work at all.

I am not hindered by any compiler knowledge :blush: