ElevateDB Connection

I am attempting to connect to a custom ElevateDB server with DataAbstract.

The server has a custom signature. When I try to use the custom signature I get an error: “Cannot perform this operation when the engine has been started”

Any help would be appreciated.

My connection string looks like this:

ElevateDB?DataBaseName={dbname};RemoteHost={ipaddress};RemotePort={port};Signature={signature string};EngineType=etClient;SessionType=stRemote;RemoteEncryption=True;EncryptionPassword={encrypt password};Server={ipaddress};Database={database path};UserID={user id};Password={password>;


try to connect to ElevateDB server w/o DA with TEDBDatabase & TEDBSession.
will it be successful?

Hi Evgeny,

I am able to connect to my custom server just fine using the TEDBSession and TEDBDatabase components.


can you set breakpoint in TDAEElevateDBConnection.DoApplyConnectionString (uDAElevateDBDriver.pas) and see that properties of TEDBSession/TEDBDatabase wasn’t initialized properly?

you can use simple testcase:

  • create a new project
  • drop DriverManager and ConnectionManager, relink them
  • add uDAElevateDBDriver to uses section
  • create a new connection inside ConnectionManager with your connection string
  • use this code:
  a:  IDAConnection;
  str: IROStrings;
  a := DAConnectionManager1.NewConnection(DAConnectionManager1.Connections[0]);

Hi Evgeny,

The error I am getting is happening in the Schema Modeler tool.


try to use my steps.
probably some properties aren’t initialized by driver when it parsed your connection string.

Hi Evgeny,

Where do I use the code you sent?

create a new project, add button and put this code in that handler, like

procedure TForm107.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  a:  IDAConnection;
  str: IROStrings;
  a := DAConnectionManager1.NewConnection(DAConnectionManager1.Connections[0]);

Thanks, that’s what I thought.

Hi Evgeny,

Ok, I’m not sure what that was all about, but it is working correctly now.

Unfortunately, now there is a message stating:

ElevateDB Error #1100 A connection to the server at ‘xxxxxx’ cannot be established (‘The stream signature received is invalid’)

Upon further investigation you need to add a RemoteSignature option to specify the remote connection’s signature.

In addition, I notice that there is no way to set the CharacterSet property for the session. That option is also necessary to correctly specify a session.


can you test this driver uDAElevateDBDriver.zip (7.3 KB) and give some feedback, pls?

you can specify missing properties via

  • @Session.<Name>=<value>
  • @Engine.<Name>=<value>

Thanks, logged as bugs://84479

bugs://84479 got closed with status fixed.