Error Connecting to a Remoting SDK Server (C++ Builder)

When connecting to the Remoting SDK Server I get this error:

Screenshot 2021-09-10 161726


Byte is non supported RODL type.
try to change it to Integer instead.

supported types are

  • Integer
  • DateTime
  • Double
  • Currency
  • WideString
  • AnsiString
  • Int64
  • Boolean
  • Variant
  • Binary (aka TROBinaryMemoryStream)
  • Xml
  • Guid
  • Decimal
  • Utf8String
  • XsDateTime
  • array (descendant of TROArray)
  • struct (descendant of TROComplexType)

I do not have access to the server code. Just an existing running server. When I connect in VS 2019 using the Remoting SDK plugin I’m successfully able to generate all the desired C# files, but no luck with C++ Builder/Delphi.


Can you show .RODL for your server, pls?
Drop it to support@ for keeping privacy.

you can get it at http://localhost:8099/rodl by default

When pointing the Service Builder at an address I use supertcp with port 9191. I’m having trouble getting a TODL file by doing:


How do you suggest I get the RODL file?


Try to launch Service Builder and select Edit->Import->Import Remoting SDK service (RODL)... and specify supertcp://localhost:9191/rodl in 2nd combobox.

Will it import your RODL correctly?

Got the RODL file, seems like the issue was pointing the Service Builder at /bin instead of /rodl

Now that I have the RODL file, I’m having issues generating the C++ builder files for it. The Service Builder freezes and is Not Responding. I’ll email the RODL file to support@