Example iOS project with multiple screens

Workaround for now: install the external compiler; for some reason that one works.


Solved. apparently LD_LIBRARY_PATH no longer works on Monterey, so it simply cannot find that .dylib… way to bury that lede with such an an obscure error message. Will be fixed for next week’s build.

bugs://E25376 was closed as fixed.

I’ve uploaded a new Fire build with the fix to your Personal Downloads.

Tomorrow, I’ll see if I can get to your Sample request.

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Hi Marc,

I can confirm that it works now. Thank you!

NB: The sample isn’t urgent for me personally. I will start on the iOS project not earlier than 2-3 weeks from now.

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Happy to hear it’s fixed for you too!

Please let me know of if this sample suits your needs (it’s C#, because from C# I can more easily translate to the other languages, once it’s good):

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Thank you! I’m going to look at it soon and let you know. C# is not a problem at all!

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Any feedback, before I port it to all languages?

Sorry, I didn’t had a chance to look at it, also because I was waiting for the CPU fix.

Having said that, I’m trying to run it but get a “debug session failed” because of 2 errors in the RootViewController:

One other observation: I personally work with storyboards, and would love to see that instead of XIB’s.

NB: I’m on macOS Monterey with Xcode 13.

Those are just hints, not errors?

The debug session doesn’t start and it’s reported as an error (red bar).

What’s the error in the Debug Console and/or Build Log? Is this only for this sample, or for all projects?

I’ve tried 2 other projects from the UIKit folder: UIAlertView and UITableView. Both work ok.

This is the build log:

/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/Mono/bin/mono-sgen /Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/EBuild.exe “–setting:Elements:ToffeeSDKFolder=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/Toffee SDKs” “–setting:Elements:IslandSDKFolder=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/Island SDKs” “–setting:Elements:GothamXmlFolder=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/Gotham XMLs” “–setting:Elements:ReferencePathsXMLFolder=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/Reference Paths with Data Abstract Trial” --setting:Elements:LldExePath=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/lld --setting:Elements:DSymUtilExePath=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/dsymutil --setting:Elements:ToffeeHelperExePath=/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/ToffeeHelper “/Users/marcvanbreemen/Lokaal/ElementsSamples/Hydrogene/Toffee/UIKit/Multiple Views/Multiple Views.sln” --logger:fire --configuration:Debug --goal:23BA1675-84D7-4AF7-B7D1-C0052FB77BC0;Toffee-iOS --setting:23BA1675-84D7-4AF7-B7D1-C0052FB77BC0,Simulator=True --setting:23BA1675-84D7-4AF7-B7D1-C0052FB77BC0,Mac=False --setting:23BA1675-84D7-4AF7-B7D1-C0052FB77BC0,Device=False --verbosity:normal “–xml:/var/folders/y3/w0wg7h4x0q11pjf929r3dg8c0000gn/T/Multiple Views.fire.xml” --build --setting:TreatFixableErrorsAsWarnings=True
RemObjects EBuild. An open source build engine for Elements and beyond.
Copyright RemObjects Software 2016-2021. All Rights Reserved. Created by marc hoffman.
Version (develop) built on bajor, 20211019-103826. Commit 1d8d949.

Toffee SDK Folder found in ‘/Applications/Fire.app/Contents/Resources/Toffee SDKs’.
Xcode Version is 13.0 (13A233), macOS Version is 12.0 (21A5552a).
No exact iOS SDK version was specified for target ‘Toffee-iOS’, using ‘iOS 15.0’.
W: Member “UIKit.UITableViewCell.textLabel” is obsolete [/Users/marcvanbreemen/Lokaal/ElementsSamples/Hydrogene/Toffee/UIKit/Multiple Views/RootViewController.cs (46)]
W: Member “UIKit.UITableViewCell.imageView” is obsolete [/Users/marcvanbreemen/Lokaal/ElementsSamples/Hydrogene/Toffee/UIKit/Multiple Views/RootViewController.cs (47)]
Solution ‘Multiple Views’ built successfully.
Simulator is already booted.
Running /usr/bin/xcrun simctl install 24CCBE6F-6B77-4A97-A725-A917CC2DF482 “/Users/marcvanbreemen/Lokaal/ElementsSamples/Hydrogene/Toffee/UIKit/Multiple Views/Bin/Debug/iOS Simulator/MultipleViews.app”
Running /usr/bin/xcrun simctl launch -w --stdout=/var/folders/y3/w0wg7h4x0q11pjf929r3dg8c0000gn/T/CDDA34D2-28FD-41D5-A83A-28FED3852B96/stdout --stderr=/var/folders/y3/w0wg7h4x0q11pjf929r3dg8c0000gn/T/5CBF83FE-B9FD-41D3-A584-67F49E538DE4/stderr 24CCBE6F-6B77-4A97-A725-A917CC2DF482 “org.me.Multiple Views”
reading StdOut from /Users/marcvanbreemen/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/24CCBE6F-6B77-4A97-A725-A917CC2DF482/data/var/folders/y3/w0wg7h4x0q11pjf929r3dg8c0000gn/T/CDDA34D2-28FD-41D5-A83A-28FED3852B96/stdout
reading StdErr from /Users/marcvanbreemen/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/24CCBE6F-6B77-4A97-A725-A917CC2DF482/data/var/folders/y3/w0wg7h4x0q11pjf929r3dg8c0000gn/T/5CBF83FE-B9FD-41D3-A584-67F49E538DE4/stderr
simctl launch: 2021-10-20 21:02:05.319215+0200 xcrun[9823:438027] Unknown binary with magic 0x622f2123 at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/simctl
simctl launch: An error was encountered processing the command (domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain, code=4):
simctl launch: The request to open “org.me.Multiple Views” failed.
simctl launch: Underlying error (domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, code=4):
simctl launch: The operation couldn’t be completed. Application info provider (FBSApplicationLibrary) returned nil for “org.me.Multiple Views”
simctl launch: Application info provider (FBSApplicationLibrary) returned nil for “org.me.Multiple Views”
simctl launch: org.me.Multiple Views: -1
simctl launch: exit code 4

Debug log:

~> ‘simctl launch’ failed with exit code 4

To be sure, this is the project including the Bin folder:

Multiple Views.zip (1,7 MB)

Ah yes, same issue I had, drop the space from the BundleIdentifier in settings. FWIW, the latest build should fix this, i assume you’re on an older one? i’ll retest my fix for that here.

I have build 2678.

Ok. I’ll recheck my fix, tomorrow. In the mean time, changing the bundle identifier to not contain a space will fix this issue.