Examples on how to use Fire with C# Oxygen to iOS to a Relativity server

Hi marc,

The template added both of those reference. I just did a simple create new project, once it was done I ran the DA wizard from the tools menu. I had the cocoa for windows installed (I also have a working / licensed .net on the same pc). I have been testing both from the mac and a vm on the mac with windows and my windows pc at home. I run my relativity server on a webserver with the pctrade sample database. This way I know that it really works as it is not on the pc/mac I am testing. I found that the mac stuff just has less moving parts to go wrong.


Hmm, not the template, but when you did “Connect to Relativity”, right? and i assume only in VS? (Fire, when i tested last week, added just libDataAbstract, as it should).

Hm, so it can’t resolve libDataAbstract.fx, even though DA/Cocoa is installed?


Hi marc,

you are correct it was added when i did the connect to DA and I chose relativity server.

OK, Anton could reproduce that VS does add libRemObjectsSDK (which it should not) and libDataAbstract (which is correct), and also that libRemObjectsSDK can’t be resolved (which also seems wrong, though in our case it saved you, coz if it actually did link in both, you’d be in trouble :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We’ll fix both parts; as workaround for now, pls just rem one the libRemObjectsSDK reference.

Hi marc,

I have a windows vm. I have .net dataabstracts and elements installed in this windows vm. I have a mac that has VS with data abstracts for mac installed. It also has crossbox installed and I downloaded the 4.6 version of mono so that crossbox would run. I installed bonjour and I can connect to it from the windows vm. When I did a search on the windows vm I did a search and did not find libDataAbstract.fx anywhere in the pc. Does this get installed from the crossbox from the mac? If not the installer or elements I thought would put that on the pc in the C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Elements\Toffee but it is not there. I found those on the mac side. Should they have been installed in either the Tofee or the DA folder on the pc? If so they did not install and that is why this broke.



No, the “Data Abstract for Cocoa” installer, which you’ll need to run on Windows, if you wanna build DA/Cocoa apps in VS, should install this, to C:\Program Files (x86)\RemObjects Software\Data Abstract for Cocoa.

Nope, Elements doesn’t install DA, as thats a completely separate product :wink:

That is why that failed. I see a new DA install in my products. I’ll install the .net and then I will download the cocoa da and install that as well and try again.

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bugs://78695 got closed with status fixed.