Extending/changing Fire...?

Is there an SDK or other extensibility framework that allows devs to add their own tools and extensible behaviors, etc. to Fire IDE yet? If so, where (and where are docs/examples)?


We currently don’t have anything like that yet, having focused on making it work first.

What kind of things were you extensions were you thinking of?

  • External tools
  • Editor addons

For the winform designer that I am building, I need both; external tools to start the designer, editor Addons to add event-handling code and to do symbolic renames.
(In this case, I am talking Water - I do not know if it will run on Fire).

There’s currently no extensibility Api for Fire/Water. This is deliberate, because, in my opinion/experience, this tendency to build “an operating system for creating IDEs” is what causes most quote-unquote modern IDEs to be such bloated messes, like Visual Studio, IntelliJ, or BDS. In Fire/Water everything works tightly together (which of course does not mean that tings aren’t designed/abstracted properly) instead of going thru convoluted plugin APIs for every keypress.

While I don’t want to completely rue out extensions points for the future, for right now, I’d much rather hear what you feel is missing and what we can do, inside Fire/Water, to provide that you need.

Could you give me example of what kinds of extensions you’d be interested in seeing/creating?