Fire jump bar

When using the jump bar (if that’s the right term, see image), I can select a method in the file, but it doesn’t jump it any more.

Curious. everywhere, or in a particular case? does navigation work when selecting the sam emehtiodn from the Types tree view on the left?

Everywhere, and the only thing that works in the types tree view is the top level, so I could click on MasterViewController in the above example, but selecting anything below does nothing. Checking console now, just occasionally gives

27366555: RECEIVED OUT-OF-SEQUENCE NOTIFICATION: 190 vs 1510, 512, <private>

when I’m clicking in the tree view

thanx. I’ll investigate.

Thanks, logged as bugs://81412

Just noticed this works fine in Water, it’s just Fire.

hm, even more curious, then. same project?

Yep, I’ve tried a few, it’s consistent (also on my other mac).

Reproduced; oddly, it fails for me in Water, too (which is good). It’s a problem in the managed system, I just don’t get back positions for the members :(. I’ll haver the team investigate…

Awesome (that you’ve reproduced it). I use it a lot. btw, I would use the types tree view except most of my projects always have an RODL/ _intf file included which just fills up the screen with definitions so I can’t see the wood for the trees, and so I prefer the project tree since I know which file things are in.

bugs://81412 got closed with status fixed.