Gradle problems

In fire theres some available gradle references, i use that.

But when try to edit UI using Android studio complains about this references .

What im doing wrong?

Must be a gradle archive on my project? Or must let fire to manage gradle?


Could be that tis need to be added to the Android Studio project I generate. Can you send me a test case that has an Elements project w/ a gradle reference and the Android Studio designer failing on the missing ref?


send via email.

Best regards

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E: Cannot adjust existing dependency from version 25.3.1] to 25.2.0].

that’s the same issue as discussed in Jolyon’s Thread. You have two different packages insisting on a different exact version of

However, due to an oversight/bug in EBuild, this does not actually fail (thats fixed now(, so the project builds fine for me, otherwise.

My doubt is If it have no impact and the project build just fine why the compiler raise an error and not a warning?
Second: why dont allow me choice a specific version of a package? What happens if i need a specific version of a package and as desogned the compile will always take the latest version?

Best regards.

It. was. a. bug.

you can. see the other thread. out ] behind the version number, to disallow it using a newer version.

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Thanks Marc!

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