How to execute a HttpRequest of type HttpRequestMode.Post

I just committed the fixes for setting the HTTP headers, btw. Along with some other HTTP improvements. Testing/feedback appreciated!

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So just pulled and updated. So on iOS it works now, I can see that headers were modified:

Time: Tue, 01 Mar 16 10:48:08 -0800
Source ip:

Headers (Some may be inserted by server)
REQUEST_URI = /post.php?dir=swift-promise
QUERY_STRING = dir=swift-promise
HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING = gzip, deflate
HTTP_USER_AGENT = mxmevents
CONTENT_TYPE = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
HTTPS = on
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT = 1456858088.6908
REQUEST_TIME = 1456858088

Post Params:
key: 'item' value: '{
    name = track;
key: 'timestamp' value: '1456858087'
Empty post body.

Upload contains PUT data:
    name = track;

On Android I get a verification failed error:

03-01 19:50:11.513 21513-21900/ I/art: Verification error in sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest)
03-01 19:50:11.514 21513-21900/ I/art: sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest) failed to verify: sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest): [0x82] thrown class Precise Reference: sugar.HttpResponse not instanceof Throwable
03-01 19:50:11.520 21513-21900/ W/art: Verification failed on class sugar.Http in /data/app/ because: Verifier rejected class sugar.Http due to bad method sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest)

Iā€™m trying to check if this could be due to something else in the code, but not sure. The code was:

public func getJsonObject(var url: String, success: (response:MXMEvent?) ->(), error: (response:Exception?) ->()  ) -> () {
		let jsonCallback: HttpContentResponseBlock<Sugar.Json.JsonDocument!>! = { response in 
			if response.Success {
				let jsonObject:Sugar.Json.JsonObject = response.Content.RootObject;
				let rndIndex=(Sugar.Random()).NextInt();
				let key="USER_"+Sugar.Convert.ToString(rndIndex,10);
				let now = DateTime.UtcNow
				let unixMsec = (now.Ticks - DateTime.TicksSince1970 ) / TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond;
				var jsonString = "{}";
				do {
					jsonString = try jsonObject.ToString();
				} catch error {
				var cacheObject:MXMEvent = MXMEvent(key:key, value:jsonString, timestamp: Convert.ToString( unixMsec, 10 ) ); jsonString );
				success( cacheObject );
			else {
		let signedUrl=getSignedUrl(url);
		Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson( Url(url), jsonCallback)
	} //testGetJson

and the error referenced was in Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson( Url(url), jsonCallback)

Thanks, logged as bugs://74652

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That verify error is weird. Iā€™ll take a look.

@ck If it helps, this happens for every HttpRequest like:

Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson( Url(url), jsonCallback)

or Http.ExecuteRequest, were this one this was for a HttpRequestMode.Post.

So this:

import Sugar

let jsonCallback: HttpContentResponseBlock<Sugar.Json.JsonDocument!>! = {
  response in 
Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson( Url(""), jsonCallback)


in java should have failed? Or only on Android? Seems to work on Java.

@ck It fails in Android.

Just tried this:

import java.util
import android.content
import android.os
import android.util
import android.view
import android.widget
import Sugar

public class MainActivity: Activity {

	public override func onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle!) {
		ContentView = R.layout.main

let jsonCallback: HttpContentResponseBlock<Sugar.Json.JsonDocument!>! = {
  response in 
Http.ExecuteRequestAsJson( Url(""), jsonCallback)




  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

and a Jellybean (4.2) emulator. Works fine? (Last beta)

@ck thanks let me try to figure out whatā€™s going on.

Im running: Fire (, Sugar commit e190f0243ce880db5eebaeab86f948a7aa9e5178, testing on Nexus 7, Android 6.0.1.

What I see with this set up is the issue reported here: Fire Beta: Unable to run template Android Application (Swift)

so that Fire get stuck before deploy the Android Application template to the device:

Installing Calling adb -s 0a21584f install -r "/Users/admin/Projects/MusiXmatch/MXMPortableNETLib/Samples/AndroidSilverSampleApp/./bin/Release/AndroidSilverSampleApp.apk" The process failed to start with the following error:

Then, having no option, I try with AndroidStudio 1.5.1, API Level 23, Marshmallow.
Here before pulling Sugar to latest develop commit (I presume) I get this verifier error:

03-03 14:35:07.048 24771-24732/ W/art: Verification failed on class sugar.Http in /data/app/ because: Verifier rejected class sugar.Http due to bad method sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest)

Maybe, bu this is my supposition, is that those two errors are related in some way.

I donā€™t think the 'stcuk during deploy" is related. Can you send the exact project you used?

Let me know a fresh install, kill adb, etc since it could be a wrong or misconfigured environment issue first. Back with the project asap.

Sorry I meant unrelated.

@ck So I have

  • killed adb
  • restared the mac and the device;
  • installed Xamarin emulator just to be sure it was something not related to my configuration of AndroidStudio VDs;

tried now in this first test my configuration with

Xamarin Android Player / Nexus 7 Marshmallow

and I get the same

03-03 15:44:54.625 1706-1905/ I/art: Verification error in sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest)
03-03 15:44:54.625 1706-1905/ I/art: sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest) failed to verify: sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest): [0x82] thrown class Precise Reference: sugar.HttpResponse not instanceof Throwable
03-03 15:44:54.625 1706-1905/ W/art: Verification failed on class sugar.Http in /data/app/ because: Verifier rejected class sugar.Http due to bad method sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest)

The application is here:

Doing further tests.

@ck Which was your API level?
Btw, I have found which is the issue with debugger (see Fire Beta: Unable to run template Android Application (Swift)).
Now looking at this error againā€¦

@ck after 2 hours struggling with my config having

Fire + Android Xamarin Player / Nexus7 (marshmellow) / API Level 23 + Sugar/ latest commit, I was able to reproduce this error in Fire as well!

Here is a screen:

and the logcat from adb:

03-03 17:25:55.851 2150 2150 I art : Verification error in sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest) 03-03 17:25:55.851 2150 2150 I art : sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest) failed to verify: sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest): [0x82] thrown class Precise Reference: sugar.HttpResponse not instanceof Throwable 03-03 17:25:55.866 2150 2150 W art : Verification failed on class sugar.Http in /data/app/ because: Verifier rejected class sugar.Http due to bad method sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest)

while the Fire console says:

Installing Calling adb -s install -r "/Users/admin/Projects/MusiXmatch/MXMPortableNETLib/Samples/AndroidSilverSampleApp/./bin/Debug/AndroidSilverSampleApp.apk" Started Process started. An exception of type: android.system.ErrnoException occurred and was ignored An exception of type: android.system.ErrnoException occurred and was ignored Fatal exception on thread 0003 () Type: java.lang.VerifyError Message: Verifier rejected class sugar.Http due to bad method sugar.HttpResponse sugar.Http.ExecuteRequestSynchronous(sugar.HttpRequest) (declaration of 'sugar.Http' appears in /data/app/

Iā€™m not sure if I can get more stack trace from hereā€¦

I donā€™t see on ?

Yes I have two projects but basically the code itā€™s the same :wink:

So I rebuild, opened SampleAndroidAppFire,
fixed the projitems reference (which was hardcoded),
fixed the sugar reference,
ran a matching android virtual machine.
Ran the android app.

Noticed the security exception and added:

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Then I finally got an:

  •   error	{java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Object[] cannot be cast to java.lang.String[]}	java.lang.Exception

and the other one.

Just pull latest sugar and itā€™s fixed.

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bugs://74652 got closed with status fixed.

@ck :+1: I confirm that both bug have been fixed, closing!