How to import C-files (.h/.c) in Oxygene?

What’s the error?

No, that’s what the Import project is for; we don’t use Delphi-style manual header units (although you can of course manually create imports in code, if needed, in that fashion. But getting the Import project working is the better solution.

One minor issue im seeing is that the .dll isn;'t being copied next to the .fx, even if CopyLocal is set; I’ll investigate and fix that now.

@mh Thank you for the diligent support. Appreciate it!

I followed your advice, and build a x86_64 TensorFlow.fx. But still I got errors (see the figure). Any advice?

Yeah, I’m at the same error now after some fixes to how EBuild copies the .dll. I’m afraid this one’s beyond my pay-grade and Carlo will need to answer it on Monday :(.

Workaround for now, reference the .lib in the import project, instead of the .dll, and then copy the .dll over next to your final exe manually.

    <ImportLinkLibrary Include=".\lib\tensorflow.lib">
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in vNext, this will work:

    <ImportLinkLibrary Include=".\lib\tensorflow.lib">
    <ImportCopyLocal Include=".\lib\tensorflow.dll">

I am sorry, but what is “vNext”?

The next version/build of Elements.