How To Properly Configure Gradle Dependency Script in FIre

Hi Admin,

I would like to use Gradle script in Fire. May I know what is its proper steps? It seems like I cannot edit the script in Fire after created the gradle script in the project. I have to externally open it with text editor and edit it, below is the script I typed. But with this, it seems like still cant use those support library. Kindly advise.

apply plugin: 'base’
configurations { compile }
clean { delete += “dependencies” }
task copyDeps(type: Copy) { from configurations.compile into new File(projectDir, “dependencies”) }
build.dependsOn copyDeps

// Add your dependencies below

repositories {

dependencies {
compile "”
compile "”
compile "”

Thank You.

Best Regards,
Thol Yong

For proper gradle support, you will want to use the latest Fire 8.3.95 or (better) the 8.4 beta.

Noted. Thank You. :slight_smile:

Hi Admin,

I just started using the latest 8.4 fire beta. It prompts me this error when I include gradle script. Any idea on how to solve this?

/Applications/ Software/Elements/RemObjects.Elements.Cooper.Common.targets (ResolveGradleReferences target) ->

    /Applications/ Software/Elements/RemObjects.Elements.Cooper.Common.targets: error : Gradle path is not set in CooperPaths.xml

Thank You

I have solved the problem by installing Gradle and set its gradle folder path in Fire.

Btw, may I know how to remove the reference added by gradle? I didnt the choice to remove the reference added by gradle if I accidentally added the unwanted reference.

Thank You.

just remove it from the grade file and rebuild (maybe do a clean, jic)