Well, I tried ignoring it as suggested, but I think the warning reflects a real issue not just a warning bug. When I attempt to run the project, I get the Java error:
An exception of type: java.lang.RuntimeException occurred
Message: {java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{and.cross01/and.cross01.MainActivity}: android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #79: Error inflating class and.cross01.EditPhrase}
at ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity()
It occurs when executing the
ContentView = R.layout.main;
line in MainActivity.onCreate().
The build environment is Visual Studio release 1915 running on Windows 8.1 (in a Parallels VM on OS X El Capitan).
I have also done a rebuild of the Sugar (stable) library to fix referencing bugs mentioned in
http: //talk.remobjects.com/t/error-when-referencing-sugar/7707
The only UI object which triggers the warning is my subclass EditPhrase - all of the standard Buttons, *Layouts, etc. work - so it looks like a linking or reference naming issue. Are there any behind-the-scenes manipulations of the package name going on? Am I correct in simply using the
namespace and.cross01
to be equivalent to a Java package statement
package and.cross01
in defining the fully qualified path in XML? (and.cross01.EditPhrase)
Is there any way for me to be able to browse the compiled symbol space? That would go a very long way in helping me to diagnose these issues myself.