Internal Error, with Named Tuple elements, with Latest Element Build 2488, Island/Windows

Element Build 2488 (latest as of today), Windows/Island

I got the following Internal Errors, AFTER changing Tuple with unnamed elements to Tuple with named elements:

Before (No Internal Error): Unnamed Tuple element

After (With Internal Error): Named Tuple element

Test Project:
Island.7z (2.1 MB)

Thanks, logged as bugs://83995

Note that, just for the record, or internal automatic builds are not meant to just be grabbed willy-nilly and be stable. Oftentimes they will contain partial changes or fixes not ready for general consumption — which is why we ship weekly official builds, and most people dont have access to the internal ones ;).

That said, I appreciate the heads-up of course.


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bugs://83995 got closed with status fixed.