Interpolated string still not completely right

Just found a work around:
$’{Now.ToShortDateString} {Now.ToLongTimeString} - RECONCILIATION: GET FILES FROM SERVER{#13#10}’

instead of
$’{Now.ToShortDateString} {Now.ToLongTimeString} - RECONCILIATION: GET FILES FROM SERVER’#13#10

These are all VS-only right? in Water everything highlights ok?

Another problem found:
var x:= $’ entityData.EntityName = “{CurrentType}”;{#13#10}’;

I’m going to make some changes to how we do interpolated strings, but the work won’t make it in todays build, this will be for next week. (Will take this problem in account)

No problem.

Can you also make sure that a single line multiline string also works?; I need the single qoutes for SQL.
b.e. var stmt := “select * from table where field = ‘{value}’”

If you mean:

var stmt := "select * from table 
where field = '{value}'

that works fine (but please, use sql parameters, not string interpolation)

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bugs://E21742 was closed as fixed.