Island: Finalizer does not get called

@ck @mh

The new SupressFinalize method is declared to have “assembly” visibility. But I believe it should be “public”?


As I said, I don’t know, Carlo will have to answer this Monday; I’m not sure if the intention is that you can this directly, or not. The fix Calro made for you, as I understand, is that a GC Collect os not forced on shutdown — that seems unrelated to this API.

Oh yes, he fixed so the GC will call Finalizer on Process shutdown.

Beside that, he also added this SupressFinalizer to explicitly supress finalizer on Island platform, just like .NET’s practice.

I can wait for Carlo’s confirmation. But as always, the lightening response is greatly appreciated! Oxygene is fun!!

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Yeah. It should have been public, my mistake. I’ll fix monday.
