IsSessionPresent doesnt work on BeforeDeleteSession

Hi guys,

Delphi Tokyo, latest RO/DA. Olympia session and event repository.

We noticed that the results we get from IsSessionPresent(GUID) on the OnBeforeDeleteSession are different than FindSession(GUID).

IsSessionPresent(GUID) will not find the session prior to its deletion but FindSession will. Are they suppose to have the same behaviour or the current result is as intended?

Thank you.

code is almost the same:

function TROOlympiaSessionManager.DoIsSessionPresent(const aSessionID: TGUID): Boolean;
  l_UserSession := SessionManager.ReadSession(GUIDToString(aSessionID));
  Result := l_UserSession <> NIL;
function TROOlympiaSessionManager.DoFindSession(
  const aSessionID: TGUID; aUpdateTime: Boolean): TROSession;
  usersession := SessionManager.ReadSession(GUIDToString(aSessionID));
  if (usersession<>NIL) then try
    result := DoCreateSession(aSessionID);

can you create a simple testcase that reproduces this issue, pls?