Learning Fire/Oxygene

Ok, before I begin, please don’t start picking holes in my example - I’ve only been using Fire/Oxygene for 24 hours having spent the past 20 years coding in Delphi.

To be honest, the idea of learning a new Language/IDE scares the shit out of me - I got to know Delphi pretty well and now I’m faced with coding on a Mac (though hopefully soon Water) and staring at XCode thinking WTF do I do here!

The fact is that Oxygene is based upon Object Pascal so the transition shouldn’t be too difficult but it’s all the extra things which come along with it, such as XCode, and trying to learn how to do things in Cocoa which I’m finding difficult.

So basically, I’ve been playing with the iOS samples and I wanted to see if I could make things a little easier for new Devs to get up and running.

My idea was to create a few base classes which hide some of the complexity of Cocoa and make it a bit easier (and more Delphi like) to create tabviews, navigation views and list views. Now I know this probably goes against many fundamental ideas of Oxygene but I wanted to see what your thoughts were. Many of the apps I write are simple TableView based apps and I think something like this may help me.

It may be that this is a terrible idea but at least it has helped me get started with learning Fire/Oxygene which can only be a good thing.

It’s by no means complete and only exposes a few properties but I think it could be developed to be more useful.

I think the key things to look at are the FirstView, SecondView and MainTabs files to see how tabs with navigation/table views can be created in code fairly easily.

Again, might be a really rubbish idea - I just haven’t had enough time to play with it but all thoughts (for and against) are welcome.