Migration problem going from TDACDSDataTable to TDAMemDataTable (part 2)

but that does not solve the Sort issue
changing the master rec kinda resets the Sort fields (which is what is happening in my report i guess)
this is a different behaviour compared to TdaCDS

pls create a simple testcase that reproduces this issue

iā€™ll mail the demo

iā€™ve reproduced the issue in the report also
sending the demo


    DAMemDataTable1.Sort(['master','tva','name'], [sdAscending, sdAscending, sdAscending]);



it will solve this issue. by other hand, you can create an index ā€¦

thatā€™s what i did in our code, but it breaks moving from cds to memā€¦
so does this mean that Sort will not persist in detail table when master pointer changes?

when you donā€™t use IndexName , IndexFieldNames - it sorts only visible rows.
probably it should sort all rows (visible and non-visible) ā€¦

Thanks, logged as bugs://85685

bugs://85685 got closed with status fixed.

it looks like the Sort still gets lost when using tdamem as table for reportbuilder in master detail scenarioā€™s
(sort on child table)


can you create a simple testcase that reproduces this, pls?
2 tables in memory mode (RemoteFetchEnabled=false) and 2 grids will be enough.

there seems to be a difference between the full blown app and the testcase
so i need to do some further diggingā€¦

it has to do with applyupdates(true)
when tdamem is closed and reopened, the sort is lostā€¦
indexfieldnames does not solve it either
i did not check if that is default behavior

the fact that only certain installs had the problem has to do with sql server itself, some of them return them in the order we expect but others donā€™t
changed the applyupdates and added an order clause


I canā€™t reproduce this behavior.
IndexName and IndexFieldName properties work as expected

testcase.zip (91.3 KB)

Note: it is client for Relativity Server.