.NET core and SkiaSharp runtime error

On Windows, the app launches ok too, but then shows an error dialog “Unknown hard error”, whatever that means. I’m assuming for now that this is an error unrelated to this and that the original issue fi fixed (ie it deploys the right stuff fine) — possibly due to SkiaSharp not being well tested on Windows/arm64.

A new build is running now and I’ll drop it in your Personal Downloads as soon as it’s finished, in the next hour or so.

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Up. (Artur’s account)

Thanks. Initial tests look promissing.
But still libSkiaSharp.dll should not be copied next to the exe when publish=true in project settings.
We will make additional tests for wsl and macos and will let you know.


yes, that one’s still on my list to check & fix.

Fixed. also, /runtimes is ow always deployed, w/o needing Publish set to true.

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bugs://E26637 was closed as fixed.