Net4.8 and system.web.extensions

In VS, adding “system.web.extensions” loops endlessly over adding “”
With “Water”, no problem (after replacing all the project links linked by their dll) and the project compiles
I have tried on various environments (win7-> srv2022), with all versions of VS (2017 → 2022) and all versions of ajaxtoolkit (2013-> 20.1.0).
So, I call on the team :slight_smile:
Is there a workaround to block dependency resolution in Visual Studio?


To be clear, this hangs the IDE while adding the reference, not later while compiling, correct?

Logged as bugs://E25497.

Exactly, as soon as the reference is added and of course when the project is opened.

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bugs://E25497 was closed as fixed.

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Just to confirm that the problem is solved which allows me to resume old projects started in Delphi 8 :slight_smile:


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